SPIRIT Education Activities

map Reports and Work Plans Field Observations and Data Summaries of Curriculum Building Blocks Assessment and Instruments Video Clips and Testimonial Algebra Blocks Draft SPIRIT Lessons 2008


Building Blocks Content

Most Recently Updated Lessons!!!
Check back frequently, as we will be updating lessons in the near future.

Lesson Author (Level) Files
Can You See the Change? Sara Adams (6th)


Be part of an engineering team Melissa M. Nielsen (4th-5th)

.doc .pdf

And.............STOP! Sara Tingelhoff (3rd)


Wireless Remote Lesson Janet Larson (6th-8th)

.doc .pdf

Manipulate circuits to make the TekBot function differently Randy Stribley (9th-12th)

.doc .pdf

Learning Scale Without Fail Sara Bowen (5th)

.doc .pdf

Cartesian Coordinates Mel Mays (8th-13th)

ver 3 ver 2

Ramps and Speed Peggy Madsen (8th)


Speed and Graphing Tim Stednitz (1st)


What a Drag! Friction Yvette McCulley (7th-8th)


TekBot Timings and the 3 M's Mike Concannon (6th-8th)


Newton's Laws Deirdra Washington (8th)


Label Conversions Susan Estep & Jeff York (5th)






Past Lessons

Lesson Author Files
Algebra Mark Adams

(.htm) (.pdf)

Beginning College Algebra Melvin Mays (.htm) (.pdf)
Conversions Susan Estep (.htm) (.pdf)
Coordinates, Area, Perimeter David Kay (.htm) (.pdf)
Data and Graphing Karen Humphrey (.htm) (.pdf)
Geometry Lea Bruner (.htm) (.pdf)
Graphing, Extrapolation O.M. Concannon (.htm) (.pdf)
Infinite Numbers Valerie Schovanec (.htm) (.pdf)
Linear Equations Peggy Madsen (.htm) (.pdf)
Locations and Measurement Matt Palmer (.htm) (.pdf)
Mean, Median, Mode Bob Ernesti (.htm) (.pdf)
Powers of 10 Teresa Faris

(.htm) (.pdf)
(Print chart)

Slope, Fractions Janelle Nielsen (.doc) (.pdf)
Slope of a Line Lisa Russell (.htm) (.pdf)
Spreadsheets Julie Puck (.doc) (.pdf)
(Evaluation page)
Slope, Fractions Jennie Premer (.htm) (.pdf)
Backwards Stagecoach Robert Wolff (.htm) (.pdf)
Build and Test Allison Temple (.htm) (.pdf)
DC Motors Matthew Timm (.htm) (.pdf)
Electricity, Temperature Pamela Galus (.htm) (.pdf)
Friction Yvette McCulley (.htm) (.pdf)
Measurement and Analysis Jeff York (.htm) (.pdf)
Newton's Laws Deirdra Washington (.htm) (.pdf)
Problem Solving Karen Smolinski (.htm) (.pdf)
Speed, Velocity and Acceleration Lisa Showalter
Derrick Nero
(.htm) (.pdf)
Systems David Shabram (.htm) (.pdf)
Timing, Towing, Life Tim Stednitz (.htm) (.pdf)
Vectors Jack Northrup (.htm) (.pdf)
Language Arts
Categories, Relationships Anna Sumner (.htm) (.pdf)
Language Arts Nancy Becker (.htm) (.pdf)
From October Session  
Just like the Wyoming toad, we can jump to new building blocks!
From December Session
More New Blocks