
The SPIRIT Project

Educational Robotics

Lesson Building Block Template

Author: Matt Palmer ____________

Grade Level: _6__  Date: __Aug 1, 2006__

Directions: Directions: Definition of a Lesson Building Block:  This is a "Lesson Building Block" from the SPIRIT educational robotics institute.  A 'lesson building block' is in essence an educational activity that might be later turned into a more formal classroom lesson by a creative teacher.  The SPIRIT Institute is striving to put a variety of "lesson building blocks" up on the web for the potential use of teachers as they try to prepare more formal educational lessons using the TekBot robotics platform.


I.  Concepts  (Give a list of one or more concepts that might be taught using this activity)

Exact, Relative Location, measurement, and effects of technology on populations, resources, and the environment.

II.  Standards: (Standards for Technological Literacy)

National Geography Standards: 1&3 (location)

            OPS Standards: Social Studies (6-02), Math (6-03), and Science (6-04).

III.  Learning Activity Context (Describe the overall context for the learning activity)

 Moving TekBot, Building a TekBot, & Engineering/Notebook

         Context:  Moving Tekbot

            Abstract:  The students will try to locate the Tekbot on the school grounds using a GPS transponder and hand held radios. The challenge will be they have to do it from the classroom. The radios will allow transmission between the students in the building and the locations outside.   Students will create a map of the school grounds using graph paper. Two maps will be made, one in meters and the other in feet. Using a GPS transponder, students will write down exact locations (latitude & longitude) of structures on the school grounds, label them, and distances between the structures using meters and feet.  Results will depend on the accuracy of the GPS devices.

IV.  Teacher and Student Suggestions/Tips

         The teacher and the students should practice these concepts in and out of the classroom at the beginning of the year and over the course of the school year. When the students have mastered these concepts, this lesson should be employed. Late in the school year would be recommended. This would allow time to master these concepts and be done in favorable weather conditions.

V.  Teacher Questions 

      (Give a list of questions that teachers might ask students during the activity)

. What is exact location?

            2. How do we know exactly where we are on this planet?

            3. What technological device allows us to find this answer?

            4. How can this be used in our everyday lives?

            5. What is relative location?

VI.  Assessment Ideas

     (Give an idea or two about how the lesson activity might be assessed)

The students can have a formal test on all the concepts. The students could write a report on what they learned, and how they would make the lesson better.

VII.  Other Information

     (Give any other information that might be useful or a visual or two)

Have the students practice their map making skills. Have somebody video tape the lesson.  

VIII. A materials list